With the export you can download all the data available for the event. You can download the export by clicking on the Export button in the Event > Manage participants > Purchases menu. This guide will help you interpret each column of the downloaded table.
💡 The dates in the export will always show the time zone of the event, regardless of the time zone the user downloading the export is currently in or the time zone the customer purchased from.
Attendee ID
The internal identifier of the ticket, not visible to the customer. It is not the same as the code on the ticket, which is located in the Voucher Code column.
Order ID
The ID of the order. It will also appear in the confirmation email sent to the customer, so it helps to clearly identify the purchase when communicating with the customer. This ID is also transmitted to the payment service providers, so it will also help you to match receipts with credit card purchases when booking receipts.
Order Date
The date and time of the purchase.
Occasion Start Date
In the case of an event with multiple occasions, the start date of the event for which the ticket was purchased by the customer. For other type of events, the column is left blank.
Occasion End Date
In the case of an event with multiple occasions, the end of the time for which the ticket was purchased by the customer. For other type of events, the column is left blank.
Customer Email
The email address of the customer provided during the checkout.
Customer Name
The name of the customer entered during the checkout.
Invoice Name
The invoice name provided by the customer during the checkout.
Invoice Address
The billing address provided by the customer at the time of checkout.
Invoice Number
The serial number of the invoice issued for the purchase. For online and Sales user sales, this column contains a value of 0 if the purchase was not invoiced for any reason, for example if it was a free ticket or was sent via the on-site sales interface with settings where no invoice was required. If the column is blank for online and sales user type sales, then for some reason the invoice was not issued. For other types of sales (such as hardticket, resale, or imported), an invoice is never generated, so the column will always remain empty.
Invoice TAX Number
The company tax number provided by the customer at the time of purchase if the invoice is requested in the name of a company.
Point of sale
Type of place of sale, which can be:
- Online: Purchased through the Cooltix site or website integration.
- Sales user: The ticket was sold on site or posted via the Cooltix Sales interface.
- Resale: Ticket purchased via Ticketswap. Such tickets were sold outside of the Cooltix system and the original ticket was invalidated. The original voided ticket is still included in the export as a separate line.
- Hard ticket: pre-generated printed ticket
- Imported: Ticket sold in an external system and imported
Referrer URL
The URL address where the purchase was made. In the case of a Website integration, it defaults to the path to the page where the integration is inserted.
Sales User
For tickets sold or posted in the Cooltix Sales on-site sales interface, the email address of the user who sold or sent out the ticket.
Payment Method
The payment method of the current purchase.
External Payment ID
The payment ID provided by the payment provider. It helps to match purchases with credit card transactions.
Voucher Code
The code of the ticket, which can be found in text and QR code on the ticket.
Attendee Name
The name on the ticket, if the ticket was a named ticket. Otherwise, the column will be left blank.
Product Name
The name of the ticket type purchased.
Product Description
Short description of the type of ticket purchased. This description will be visible to the customer during the checkout process for that ticket type and will also be displayed on the ticket.
Discount Code
The discount code used during the purchase, if any.
Discount Percentage
The percentage discount provided by the discount code used during the purchase. If no discount code was used during the purchase or if it does not provide a percentage discount, it will be left blank.
Discount Amount
The amount of the fixed discount provided by the discount code used during the purchase. If no discount code was used during the purchase or if it does not provide a fixed discount amount, it will be left blank.
Original Product Price
If a discount code was used during the purchase, this column contains the original price of the ticket type from which the discount was deducted.
Product Price
The price of the ticket type that the customer paid for the ticket. If a discount code has been used, this column contains the price minus the discount.
The currency of the purchase. All amounts in this row are displayed in this currency.
Handling Fee
The handling fee paid by the buyer in addition to the ticket price, which is the organiser's revenue.
Total Paid
The total amount paid by the buyer for the ticket, which is equal to the sum of the ticket price and the handling fee.
Service Fee
The system usage fee for a given ticket.
Payment Fee
Fee for accepting a credit card for a given ticket if the purchase was made through the Cooltix Payment Service. We do not know the amount of the external payment service provider's fee, so in such cases the column will be left blank.
For a given purchase, the credit card acceptance fee is for the entire purchase and not for a single ticket, however, for ease of reference, if multiple tickets are purchased, the export is included pro-rated for each ticket.
Dynamic Pricing Fee
Additional dynamic pricing fee if the ticket was dynamically priced.
Total Fee
The total fee for the ticket.
Organizer Handling Fee Share
The amount earned by the organiser in addition to the ticket price, or the amount deducted from the ticket price in case of a negative value. How it is calculated: [Handling Fee] - [Total Fee]
Payout Amount
Amount deducted from the total revenue for a given ticket after all known fees. This is the amount that will be paid out when using Cooltix payment service. Calculation method [Total Paid] - [Total Fee]
The validity of the ticket. Contains a TRUE value if the ticket has not been invalidated for any reason, such as a refund or Ticketswap resale. If the ticket has been invalidated it contains a FALSE value. In the case of a successful check-in, the ticket is not invalidated but only checked in, so it will still contain a TRUE value.
Last Check-in Date
The last successful check-in date of the ticket. A ticket can usually only be successfully checked-in once, so this column usually contains the date of one successful check-in, the only exception being if the ticket is manually checked-out from the admin interface after a check-in, in which case the ticket can be checked-in again and the column contains the date of the last successful check-in.
Check-in User Email
The email address of the check-in user who last successfully checked-in the ticket.
Refund Date
The date the ticket was refunded. If the ticket has not been refunded, this column will be left blank.
Answers for custom questions
If specific questions have been added to the purchase process, the answers to these questions will be included in the last columns of the export. The column header contains the question and the value in each row contains the answers. If multiple answers are given, the individual values are separated by commas.
💡 If the same question is added to different ticket types, they will appear in the export in one column.