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SZÉP card
Written by Tamás Szücs
Updated over 3 months ago


SZÉP card payment is only available in Hungary.
Supported currencies: HUF

Add SZÉP card as a payment method

To add SZÉP card as a payment method for your events, you have to complete the following steps:

  1. Sign a contract with a SZÉP card provider

  2. Add your method of acceptance to your contract

  3. Contact Cooltix to register SZÉP card as a payment method

If you are unfamiliar with the process of SZÉP card acceptance, the first step is to sign a contract with a card provider. For more information about the conditions of signing with a provider, please visit:

After you initiated a contract (or if you already have a card provider), the next step is to add your method of acceptance. During this step be sure to add “Webshop” as you method of acceptance.

In case of OTP SZÉP, register the following IP addresses:

After your contract is processed (and the provider issued your unique identifier), please contact your Cooltix representative to start accepting SZÉP card payments and provide the following information:

  • Name of your organization

  • Your contact information (email address)

  • Contracted SZÉP card provider information:

    • In case of OTP SZÉP:

      • OTP shop identifier (otpPosID)

      • OTP key file

    • In case of MBH SZÉP:

      • mkbSzepMerchantId (MBH merchant identifier)

    • In case of K&H SZÉP:

      • khbSzepMid (K&H merchant identifier)

Enable SZÉP card payment

To enable SZÉP card as a payment method for your event, go to:

Event > Event settings > Payments

At the bottom of the page, look for the “Payment methods” section and with the checkboxes you can enable / disable the payment methods for your event.

If a customer chooses SZÉP card as their preferred payment method, the handling fee will not be added to their total during the checkout process (even if the handling fee was set in the ticket settings beforehand), because it is considered to be a non-eligible cost according to the terms of SZÉP card.

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