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Terms and conditions for organizers
Terms and conditions for organizers
Péter Kubovics avatar
Verfasst von Péter Kubovics
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I. General provisions

Details of the Service Provider

In every country except Hungary:

Cooltix Global

Name of the Service Provider

Cooltix GmbH

Registered seat and postal address

Vorgartenstraße 204, 1020 Wien

Tax identification number


Registration number

FN 434585 x

E-mail address


In Hungary:

Cooltix Hungary

Name of the Service Provider

Cooltix Kft.

Registered seat and postal address

1084 Budapest, József utca 3. 3/27

Registration authority

Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság

Registration number


Tax identification number


E-mail address


Customer service​

FAQ and Help Center

Availability: Weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Organizers outside Hungary enter into a contractual relationship with Cooltix GmbH. Hungarian Organizers enter into a contractual relationship with Cooltix Kft.

These General Terms and Conditions of Organising (hereinafter GTC) determine the terms of use of the Service for the sale of tickets and other products between the Service Provider and any natural or legal person using its online system (hereinafter the "Organizer"), as well as the rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the Organizer.

The scope of the present GTC covers Organizers having their registered office outside Hungary and Serbia or, in the case of a non-legal entity, having a permanent address outside Hungary or Serbia.

Organizers having their registered office in Hungary or, in the case of non-legal entities, having a permanent address in Hungary will enter into a contractual relationship with Cooltix Kft., the terms of which are set out in the General Terms and Conditions for Hungary.

Organizers having their registered office in Serbia or, in the case of non-legal entities, having a permanent address in Serbia will enter into a contractual relationship with UGS PRO DOO, the terms of which are set out in the General Terms and Conditions for Serbia.

1. The Service Provider operates an online Internet-based system (hereinafter the System) primarily to facilitate the purchase of tickets and passes for various conferences, music, sports, and other events (hereinafter Tickets) and the sales of online webshop products and services (purchase of vouchers, books, audio, parking tickets, etc.). The Service Provider provides its System to the Organizers for the purpose of selling tickets for events organized by the Organizers (hereinafter the Service).

2. The Organizer may occasionally sell other products (merchandising products, event-related meals, drinks, etc.) in addition to selling the Tickets. If the rules applicable to the sale of these products differ from the general rules, this GTC shall state this separately.

3. In the event of an Event concerning any service other than the purchase of the Ticket, that is, the actual conduct of the Event, the natural or legal person (hereinafter the Buyer), who actually purchases the products offered for sale, enters into a legal relationship the Organizer of the Event. The Service Provider does not participate in the organization and management of the Event; its activities and responsibilities are limited to the sale of the Tickets. The services provided by the Service Provider and the Event Organizer - and the responsibility for them - are therefore separate. The Organizer of the Event is responsible for the proper conduct of the Event. The Service Provider does not assume any responsibility for the performance of artists, athletes, or other performers, respectively, the quality, management, implementation, or non-performance of the event for which the Ticket was purchased. The Service Provider sells tickets and services related to performances and cultural and artistic productions organized by the Event Organizer. The Service Provider acts as an agent, acting as an intermediary service in ticket sales.

4. The Organizer may not sell any product on the Service Provider's System that requires a license and thus is subject to a permit.

5. By pressing the "Registration" button, the Organizer accepts the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement and the present GTC. By entering into the contract, the Organizer declares that it has become aware of the terms and conditions contained in these GTC - in particular, the notification contained in Section II of the GTC - and agrees to be bound by them, and has agreed to the management of its the data necessary for using the Service within the scope defined in the GTC and the Data Management Regulations.

6. The contract concluded shall be considered as a written contract; the contract shall be confirmed by electronically stored data provided by the Organizer and kept by the Service Provider within the time limits specified in the accounting and tax legislation. The data entered by the Organizer, the data stored on the Events and their products in the Service Provider's system, other transaction data (e.g., bank confirmation, invoice), and the wording of the GTC shall altogether form the written contract.

7. The contract between the Parties shall be drawn up in English. The Service Provider informs the Organizer, and the Organizer expressly acknowledges that the Service Provider is entitled to modify the GTC unilaterally. In case of amendment of the GTC, the Service Provider shall notify the Organizer by publishing the changes at https://admin.cooltix.com at least eight (8) days before the entry into force of the amendment.

II. Information before the conclusion of the contract regarding distance contracts

1. The Service Provider shall inform the Organizer of the following information. We kindly ask the Organizers to read this information before registering and to register only with this knowledge (in the words of the law, "sign a contract")!

a) The essential features of the Service, that is to say, the System can be found in the System documentation.

(b) The name of the service provider is given in Section I.

(c) The place of business, postal address, telephone number, fax number, and electronic mail address of the company are listed in Section I. In the case of ticket sales, the Service Provider shall act on behalf of the Organizer.

d) The place of business of the Service Provider shall be the place of business indicated in Section I. The Organizer may address its complaints to any of the Service Provider's contact details as specified in Section I.

e) The amount of the consideration for the contracted service, excluding VAT, is included in the Organizer's List of Conditions. In addition to the net prices quoted herein, the Organizer is liable to pay value-added tax in accordance with applicable law, and no additional costs may be incurred.

f) The Service Provider applies an indefinite or flat rate contract.

g) As a consideration for the use of the Internet, mobile or other electronic connection of the device ensuring the use of the System (mobile phone, telephone, computer with an internet connection, tablet, etc.) or a special payment method (e.g., mobile payment), the telecommunications provider of the Organizer may charge a fee based on individual subscription or other contracts. However, the Service Provider does not use a premium rate service itself.

h) The prices shown in the Organizer's List of Conditions include the amount of the consideration, not including VAT, expressed in EUR, net, and exclusive of VAT. If the Organizer has to pay a fee for using the System, it shall be clearly stated in the Service Package selection process by the System. The fee is the amount charged for the Service Provider's service, not for using a credit card or other payment method. The charge for accepting a credit card or other payment method is shown separately from the System's own fee. In addition to the usual credit card payment, the Service Provider may accept several payment methods, which are described in detail in the System Documentation and in the Frequently Asked Questions.

It is not possible to deliver the e-ticket; the Service Provider shall deliver it electronically. The service will be completed automatically, with an immediate deadline. The rules governing complaint handling are set out in Section XII of this document.

(i) Information regarding the consumer's terms and conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal and termination is set out in Section VII of this document.

j) Information on the cost of returning a product is provided in Section VII of this document.

(k) The Service Provider shall reimburse the Service Provider for reasonable expenses due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal and termination of certain services by the Service Provider.

(m) The legal obligations regarding warranty and product liability are set out in Annex VIII of this document.

(n) The Service Provider operates a customer service desk from 9 am to 5 pm every working day, which is available to the Organizers at [email protected].

As per the Governmental Decree and its Annex, the product range sold by the Service Provider shall not be subject to warranty.

(o) The Service Provider is not a signatory to or has not obeyed the Code of Conduct on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices for Consumers.

(p) The contract between the Service Provider and the Organizer is concluded for an indefinite period of time until the account of the Organizer is canceled.

(q) Digital data content functionality and technical protection measures: the data servers are available at over 99.9% per year. Data is stored on servers on multiple hard disks using RAID technology. If any hard drive is damaged, the system will remain functional with the remaining hard drives. All data is backed up regularly, so one can restore the original data in case of a problem.

(r) Digital data content interoperability with hardware and software: The resulting data is stored in a MongoDB database. Sensitive data are stored using the appropriate encryption, and their coding is ensured by hardware support built-in processors.

(t) The arbitration body shall have the power to settle out-of-court disputes (consumer disputes) between the consumer and the business regarding the quality and safety of the product, application of product liability rules, quality of service, and the conclusion and performance of a contract between the parties. To this end, the conciliation body shall attempt to reach a settlement between the parties and, if it fails, shall decide on the matter in order to ensure the simple, expeditious, effective, and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. On the request of the consumer or the company, the conciliation body will provide advice on consumer rights and obligations. The conciliation body is an independent body operating alongside the county (capital) chambers of commerce and industry.

Customers located in the European Union are reminded that if they have a cross-border consumer dispute - that is, they are not domiciled in Austria - they may use the online dispute resolution platform for a product or service purchased over the Internet. The online dispute resolution platform is available at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show

III. Information on the Organizer

1. The Service Provider reserves the right to refuse the Organizer's purchase order in a justified case, to limit the scope of the services provided to it or to refuse to provide the service, in particular in case of providing false or incomplete data or related to any misuse of the System or the Tickets.

2. The Organizer shall have full responsibility for any username, password, or any other purchase, setup, event upload, sale, or other activity related to your user account and affiliate account. The Organizer undertakes to notify the Service Provider's customer service immediately in the event of any unauthorized use of its data or any other breach of security. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage resulting from storing the password or transferring the username and password to a third party.

3. The Organizer declares that its data have been entered correctly into the System. The Service Provider disclaims all liability for damages resulting from the provision of erroneous, incorrect, or false information or e-mail address provided during the use of the system. The Service Provider is responsible for the fulfillment and issuance of the invoice according to the data provided by the Organizer. The Organizer has the right to review and modify its data at any time. The Service Provider has the right to delete obviously incorrect or false data, and, in case of doubt, it is entitled to verify the authenticity of the Organizer.

4. The Service Provider shall process the Organizer's data in accordance with Act on the General Data Protection Regulation based on the voluntary consent of the data subject and the regulation on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services. Detailed rules on data protection are contained in the Data Privacy Policy, which is available at the footer of https://cooltix.com.

5. During the registration of the Organizer, at the so-called Registration page or after registration, under the Partner settings menu, the Organizer has the opportunity to change its details and settings and its selected package or delete its account. Depending on the settings of the selected payment service provider and the Organizer, it may be necessary to register the Organizer's bank card in order to deduct the Service Provider's fee. Bank card details are registered on the Bank card registration page of the payment service provider; the data provided here is not disclosed to the Service Provider and is not stored either. The Service Provider is entitled to deduct the fees included in the list of conditions on a monthly basis based on the data provided here.

6. By using the Service, the Organizer agrees that the Service Provider may forward the data to the data processors and the Buyers of the event for the purpose of contacting the Event Organizer directly, filing a complaint, and obtaining further information about the event.

7. The Service Provider shall exercise the utmost care when handling and storing personal data. However, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage caused by attacks in spite of the utmost care to be taken.

IV. Right of withdrawal and termination

1. Purchase can be canceled at any time, without any consequences, before the "Pay" button is pressed. Based on the Governmental Decree 45/2014. (II.26.) Section 29 (1) (l), the Customer may not exercise its right of withdrawal or its right of cancellation if the Ticket for the Event is for a specific date (for a given day, for a given date). In this case, the Service Provider will not be able to either redeem the Ticket or refund the purchase value (except in the case of event non-performance).

2. In the event that the Buyer has purchased a ticket that is not for a specific time (e.g., museum tickets that can be used at any time, etc.) or if other products (such as books, brochures, merchandising products, etc.) were purchased besides the ticket that is covered by the rules of consumer withdrawal and termination regulated by Government, these rights can be enforced as follows:

(a) In the cases described above, the right of withdrawal and termination can be exercised within 14 days of purchase by using the withdrawal and cancellation declaration attached as Annex 2 to this GTC or by any other express statement to this effect.

(b) In addition to completing the form attached as Appendix 2 to the GTC, for the e-ticket or voucher that is not valid for a specific time (e.g., free to exchange museum entry tickets, etc.), the Customer must indicate the code number on the e-ticket/voucher. It should also declare that the Customer has not used the ticket. The ticket does not need to be sent because the Service Provider electronically invalidates it

(c) If the Customer did not buy a ticket but bought a good or a ticket for an unspecified date in a printed form by courier service, he must return it to the Service Provider's head office no later than fourteen days after the notice of withdrawal. The Customer shall bear the cost of returning the goods. The Customer shall be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the use of the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods.

(d) If the Customer is legally withdrawing from the contract, the Service Provider shall, without delay, but no later than within fourteen days of becoming aware of the withdrawal, refund the total amount paid by the customer as consideration. The Service Provider shall reimburse the refund amount in the same manner as the payment method used by the Customer. In the case of a contract for the sale of a product, the Service Provider may withhold the amount due to the Customer until the customer has returned the product or has proven without doubt to have returned it.

V. Warranty, product liability

1. Warranty

In case of defective performance by the Service Provider, the Customer may validate its warranty claim against the Service Provider, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code.

The Customer can ask for repair or replacement unless performing the choice of the Customer is impossible, or additional costs would arise for the Seller that is disproportionate to the performance of other claims. If the Customer did not request, or the Customer was not able to request repair or replacement, the Customer may request reducing the compensation proportionally, may repair the defect or have it repaired by a third party upon the costs of the Service Provider, or - as a last resort - may withdraw from the contract as well. The Customer may change its choice of remedy for the warranty; however, the Customer must bear the costs of such change, except if it was justified or the Organizer gave rise to it.

The Customer is obliged to announce the defect immediately after it is discovered but no later than within two months after such discovery. However, after the two-year expiration period from the completion of the contract, the Customer may no longer enforce its warranty rights.

The Customer may enforce its warranty claim against the Organizer.

Within six months after delivery, exercising the Customer's rights related to warranty has no conditions other than announcing the defect in case the Customer proves that the product or service was provided by the Organiser via the system of the Service Provider. However, after six months following the delivery, the Customer shall be obliged to prove that the defect detected by the Customer already existed at the delivery date.

2. Product liability

In the event of a defect in a movable (product), the Customer may, at its option, validate a warranty or product liability claim.

Within the scope of product liability, the Customer may only request the repair or the exchange of the defective product.

A product is considered defective if it does not meet the quality requirements at the time it is placed on the market or if it does not comply with the quality description provided by the manufacturer.

The Customer may exercise its rights related to product liability within two years after the product was placed on the market. After this deadline, the Customer loses this right.

The Customer may only exercise its rights related to product liability against the manufacturer or the distributor of the movable property. In case of product liability claims, the Customer is the party required to prove the defect of the product.

The manufacturer (distributor) shall only be relieved of the product liability obligation if it can prove that:

• the product was not produced or placed on the market within its business activity,

• when the product was placed on the market, the defect could not be discovered due to the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time, or

• the defect of the product is a result of administering any statute or official specification.

For exemption, it is sufficient if the manufacturer (distributor) presents only one reason.

Please note that one may not validate both warranty and product liability claims for the same defect in parallel. However, in case your product liability claim is successfully validated, you will be entitled to validate your warranty claim against the manufacturer in respect of the exchanged product or the repaired part.

VI. Limitations of the Service Provider's Service

1. The Organizer acknowledges that due to the characteristics of the Internet, the continuous operation of the System may be interrupted despite the Service Provider's prior knowledge and intent. Accordingly, the Service Provider does not guarantee the fault-free and undisturbed operation of the Service and the related website or that access to the Service will be continuous or error-free.

2. The Service Provider is entitled to suspend the Service in part or in full without prior notice or notification for the purpose of maintaining the Service or the related website or for other security reasons.

3. The Organizer shall make every effort to communicate to the interested parties any information related to the Event that is essential for the Customers. The Service Provider is not responsible for any information or content related to each Event that the Organizer has recorded in the system itself or if the information received from the Organizer has been recorded by the Service Provider's employee.

4. The Service Provider shall be liable only for damages caused by the intentional or grossly negligent fault of its own. The amount of liability should not exceed the value of the purchase transaction.

5. The Organizer acknowledges that the Service Provider is not liable for any damage or abuse arising from or due to payment by credit card.

6. The Service Provider excludes liability for any damage caused by the breach of contract or unlawful activity or omission of the Customer, the Organizer, or a third party.

VII. Event Rules

1. The Organizer is responsible for the proper conduct of the Event as announced.

The Organizer's name and other identifying information will be included in the successful purchase confirmation email. The Customer acknowledges that the Service Provider does not assume any responsibility for taking the place of the Event attended by the Ticket purchased, as well as for the quality of the artists, athletes, etc., participating therein, the quality of their participation, and in connection with the organization and taking the place of the event.

In connection with participation in the event, the legal relationship and service obligation are created between the person presenting the Ticket and the Organizer of the Event. This relationship is governed by the regulations on the official website of the Event or Event Organizer. Therefore, the Service Provider may not be a party to any dispute between the Event Organizer and the Customer (or the holder of the ticket at any time), which dispute is due to insufficient quality of the Event or the absence of the event. The terms of participation, the house rules of the Event, and the institution of the Event venue may vary considerably from one show to another and from one event to another. The Event Organizer is entitled to determine these rules so that the Customer can inquire about these rules from the Event Organizer.

2. The Ticket is freely transferable - unless the Organizer of the given Event has defined different rules (in this case, the Event data sheet contains rules concerning this). The Customer declares that he will pass the Ticket to another person only if the new ticket holder has accepted the Service Provider's GTC.

3. Unless otherwise indicated on the Ticket, the Ticket entitles one person presenting the ticket to a one-time entry to the Event indicated on the Ticket. No replacement of lost, damaged, or destroyed Ticket is possible.

4. The starting date shown on the Ticket is indicative, and the actual starting date may be different.

5. Depending on the Ticket type, it may include digital and analog security solutions that protect the Ticket against counterfeiting. If the Service Provider, Event Organizer, or Security Service at the Event venue detects that the security signs on the Ticket are damaged, incomplete, seem intentionally tampered or are deemed reproduced or copied, access of the person presenting the Ticket may be denied to the Event, or he may be asked to leave the Event venue. Due to the refusal of access for such reasons, the Customer shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from the Service Provider.

6. Certain Tickets only entitle access to a certain circle of users (child ticket, pensioner ticket, professional ticket, etc.) The Service Provider does not examine the existence of eligibility at the time of purchase. The Event Organizer is authorized by the security service to verify that the person presenting the Ticket is entitled to use the special ticket. Entry may be denied until the right of use is proven by the person presenting the ticket. In the event of such refusal of access, the Customer of the Ticket or the person presenting the Ticket shall not be entitled to compensation.

7. In some cases, Tickets may only entitle the Customer to visit certain areas within the Event venue.

8. Everyone can only attend the Event at their own risk. The Event Organizer will do its best to ensure the safe management of the Event; the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any potentially irresponsible visitors. Under the influence of a stupor, drug, or other consciousness modifiers, the Event may not be visited even if a valid Ticket is presented.

9. On the Event, picture and sound recordings can be taken, on which the visitors of the Event may be recorded; in this relation, the visitor of the Event may not make any claims against the Service Provider.

10. In order to ensure the safe management of the Event and the uninterrupted entertainment of the Visitors present at the Event, the Event Organizer may remove the Visitor breaching the house rules of the Event or the institution serving as the Event venue and the instructions of the security service and other law enforcement agencies. In the event of such exclusion, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to indemnify.

11. In the majority of the Events, the Event Organizer reserves the right to any reasonable changes in the person or the role of the performing artist, actor, performer, etc., or in the Event.

12. In the case of an Event held in the open air, the Event Organizer has the opportunity to announce an alternate event day (rain day). The rain day must be announced before the event begins. If the date of the rain day is announced, the Event Organizer may at any time decide to hold the Event on the rain day. The Organizer is obliged to inform the Customers of this decision without delay via the Event's Cooltix site. The Customer acknowledges that the right of withdrawal is not due to the retention of the Event on a rain day. According to general practice in the profession, even in case of interruption due to weather conditions, early termination, or delayed start, the Event should be considered as being held if more than half of the Event was being held, respectively the commencement of the Event is delayed by less than 50% of the Event's planned duration, or it has to be paused for less than 25%. The Event Organizer is entitled to set different rules for the rain day and the partially held Events.

13. The Service Provider shall make all reasonable efforts to inform the Customer and facilitate the redemption of tickets in case of any Event failure. At the same time, in the event of the Event not taking place, the Organizer will decide on the process, location, and deadline for the redemption of the tickets and the Event Organizer shall be responsible for its implementation. The Service Provider shall immediately publish on Cooltix's website the information on the redemption as soon as they have been officially received from the Organizer. In the absence of an assignment from the Organizer regarding the redemption of the Tickets, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to redeem the Tickets or to reimburse the purchase price of the Tickets. The redemption can be made within the thirty (30) day notice period specified by the Event Organizer, but not more than within 30 days following the announcement of the original ticket and proof of purchase. In addition to the purchase price of the Ticket, which must be redeemed by the redeemer at its full value, neither the Organizer nor the redeemer shall reimburse any alleged or actual damage or expense. In addition to the Event's non-occurrence, there is no way to redeem the Tickets. If the Event is not being held, the right to reimbursement of the price of the other services used in the course of purchasing the Ticket must be judged on whether the individual services have been performed by the given service provider. The administration fee that may be charged is a fee for using the ticketing system and is thus not included in the ticket price. In case of the event is not being held, the administration fee shall be refunded.

14. If, in the event of war, rebellion, acts of terrorism, strike, accident, fire, blockade, flood, natural disaster, severe energy disruption or other unforeseeable and unavoidable impediments outside the scope of the Organizer, Customer or the Service Provider, one of them may not be able to perform their contractual obligations, this person shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from such events.

VIII. Financial Accounting

1. Invoicing

a) The Organizer entrusts the Service Provider to issue an e-invoice or e-receipt (hereinafter referred to as the receipt) on the basis of the data provided by the Customer and the Organizer after the purchases made by the Customer and send it to the Customers. The receipt shall state all costs of the Customer, including shipping and handling costs (if any).

b) The Organizer is obliged to connect a billing program capable of working with the Service Provider's system, as specified by the Service Provider.

c) The Organizer shall provide the connection on a continuous basis. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the issuance of an incorrect certificate or failure to issue an invoice due to the malfunctioning of the connection outside the Service Provider. In such cases, the Organizer shall be obliged to correct the documents and to make up for any subsequent issues.

2. Electronic payment service provider

a) It is the responsibility of the electronic payment service provider to collect the value of the purchases from the Buyers. The Organizer has the option to choose the Cooltix Payment Service Provider or a third-party payment service provider (hereinafter referred to as an external payment service provider) that can cooperate with the Service Provider's system. During the registration of the Organizer, the Cooltix Payment Service will be configured by default and will remain the payment service provider chosen until the Organizer sets up an external payment service.

b) The Service Provider shall not be liable for any malfunctioning due to the fault of an external payment service provider. The Organizer is obliged to enter into a contract with the external payment service provider and may only connect an account with the Service Provider's system to the same account as the company data recorded in the Service Provider's system.

c) The Service Provider has the right to limit the range of external payment service providers made available to the Organizer or to require the use of the Cooltix Payment Service Provider.

3. Service Provider Fees

a) The Service Provider is entitled to deduct any fees due to him under the Organizer's Fees from the Organizer's income.

b) If the amount of fees charged to the Service Provider exceeds the amount of any deductions already made to the Organizer, the Service Provider is entitled to require the Organizer to set up credit card details to deduct the Service Provider's fees.

c) If the Organizer has an obligation to the Service Provider due for more than eight days, the Service Provider is entitled to limit the services provided to the Organizer and to make the Organizer's pages inaccessible to the Buyers.

d) The Service Provider shall issue a monthly invoice of the Service Provider's fees and send it to the Organizer.

e) The Service Provider does not charge a fee for the sale of free tickets. A free ticket is any ticket that does not entail any payment obligation for the customer, either at the time of purchase or later.

f) The Service Provider expressly prohibits the sale of tickets through the Service Provider's system that require the Customer to pay additional fees outside the Service Provider's system. If the Organiser does sell such tickets, the Service Provider shall be entitled to charge the amount of the fees due to the Service Provider for the amount of the purchases made outside the Service Provider's system.

4. Refund of Purchases

a) In the cases specified in these GTC and the applicable legal regulations, the Organizer shall offer to the Buyers a refund of the value of the tickets and products purchased. The handling fee is not included in the refund, and the Service Provider's fees will be charged for refunded tickets.

b) The Organizer has the right to request a refund from the Buyer in addition to the one specified in a), in which case the handling fee is not part of the refund, and the Service Provider's fees will be charged in this case.

c) Refunds may only be initiated if the amount of the refunds do not exceed the amount of the Organizer's income less the amount already disbursed. If it exceeds, the Organizer must provide bank card details on the Service Provider's website, and the Service Provider is entitled to debit the Organizer's bank card with the amount of refunds.

d) Any additional costs related to refunds shall be borne by the Organizer.

e) If the Buyer initiates a chargeback procedure and the acting financial institution positively assesses it to the Buyer, the Service Provider is entitled to deduct the value of the refunded purchase from the Organizer's income if this is not possible to charge the given bank card of the Organizer or to recover it by other means from the Organizer.

5. Allocation of the Organizer's revenue

a) In case of using an external payment service provider, the income of the Organizer will be paid directly to the account of the Organizer under the contract with the external payment service provider.

b) In the case of using the Cooltix Payment Service Provider, the Organizer accepts that Cooltix uses Stripe to make payouts to Organizers. The Stripe Recipient Agreement applies to your receipt of such Payouts. To receive payouts from Cooltix, you must provide Cooltix with accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorize Cooltix to share it and transaction information related to your payout with Stripe.

b.1) Cooltix automatically initiates a payout of 5 workdays (or three workdays if the Organizer is seated in Hungary) after the event ends. The arrival of the transfer depends on the required interbank transactions.

b.2) Organizers can request the payout of the already available balance before the event. For this, Organizer must be at least in the Intermediate package and must request this feature. The availability of the feature will be determined by individual assessment.

b.3) The Service Provider shall keep the revenue on a separate account by currency and shall not exchange money. The currency of the earnings is determined by the currency specified in the event settings.

It is the responsibility of the Organizer to ensure that the bank account specified for the distribution of the revenue is capable of receiving the revenue. If the currency of the income and the currency of the receiving bank account are different, the conversion must be made by the recipient's bank and be able to do so. The cost of the conversion in such cases shall be borne by the Organizer.

b.4) The Service Provider shall not be liable for disruptions due to any improperly entered bank account number, unacceptable bank account number, or conversion; the additional costs incurred by the Organizer shall be borne by the Service Provider.

IX. Trademarks and copyrights displayed on the website

1. Trademarks appearing on the website of the Service are the exclusive property of the Service Provider or other rightsholders. These marks may not be used, distributed, or published by third parties in any manner whatsoever without the express and prior written consent of the Service Provider or right holders.

2. The information available on the website and other documents are protected by copyright, and the rights attached to them belong to the Service Provider or the right holders. No third party may use, copy, distribute, or disclose the information and other materials available on the website without the express prior written consent of the Service Provider or right holders.

3. The Service Provider receives unlimited and exclusive usage rights regarding the comments (e.g., chat, blog), opinions, suggestions, and ideas provided by the Organizer regarding the use of the website, but this does not imply that any entry, comment, etc. reflects the opinion of the Service Provider. The Service Provider is entitled to utilize, use, transfer, publish, delete, or disclose the Organizer's comments without any restriction and without the obligation to provide the Customer consideration in any way.

X. The way complaints are handled

1. The registered seat of the Service Provider, the location of complaint handling, the mailing address of the customer service, the e-mail address, the Internet address, and the telephone number of the Service Provider are set out in Section I of the GTC.

2. Complaints about the conduct, actions, or omissions of the Service Provider directly related to the provision or sale of the Service may be communicated orally or in writing to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall examine the oral complaint immediately and, if possible, remedy it immediately. If the Customer disagrees with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Service Provider shall immediately take minutes on the complaint and its related position and provide a copy of the complaint in person to the Customer in case of a verbal complaint. In the event of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service, the minutes shall be sent to the Customer at the latest with the substantive reply.

3. The Service Provider shall respond to the Organizer in writing within thirty days of receipt and send it to the Organizer, primarily to the e-mail address provided by the Organizer. The grounds for rejecting the complaint must be explained by the Service Provider. In case the complaint is rejected, the Service Provider must inform the Organizer in writing which authority or arbitration board he may turn to for the investigation of his complaint - according to the nature of the complaint. The postal address of the competent authority or of the conciliation body of the Service Provider must be provided.

4. The Service Provider does not carry out any public service activities, so there are no special statutory rules applicable to service providers carrying out such activities (operation of special customer service, extended customer reception time, advance booking, continuous availability, five-minute check-in time, customer protection officer, etc.).

XI. Final provisions

1. The Service Provider is entitled to use subcontractors and data processors. It is responsible for any subcontractors as if it had provided the service itself.

2. The present GTC is drafted in English and is governed by the rules of Austrian law.

3. In matters not regulated by the present GTC, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code apply.

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