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Ticket settings
Péter Kubovics avatar
Written by Péter Kubovics
Updated over a month ago

Pricing method

The pricing settings determine the pricing method.

Normal: traditional pricing is when a ticket has a price, and it usually does not change. The event organizer can change the ticket price on the fly manually, if necessary.

Dynamic: the ticket price changes as demand and supply change, and a pricing engine changes at intervals based on the settings you specify. You can read more about dynamic pricing settings in this guide.


Name of the ticket. Customers choose from the available tickets based primarily on the name, so you must select a name that is unique and easily distinguishable from the names of other tickets. The name of the ticket appears on the ticket and in every report.


If you set the quantity, only the set amount of tickets can be sold in a given ticket type. If the tickets sold amount reaches the quantity set here, the given ticket will appear as "sold out," and no more tickets can be bought in the given type. If you do not set the quantity for a ticket, there is no limit on how many tickets can be sold in a given type.
When the customer puts a ticket into their basket, we reserve it for 15 minutes. The ticket becomes available again if they don't pay for the ticket until those 15 minutes are over. This is how we ensure that no tickets can be sold from a given type over its limit. This is why sometimes a ticket type may seem "sold out" on the customer interface, then revert back to available.


The gross cost of the product. The commission is paid by the customer on top of this. You can change the currency of your event here.

Free ticket

If you want to add free tickets, you must set their price to 0. In cases like this, our system works as a registration platform: the customer will not be redirected to the purchasing page and will not receive an invoice. They will be automatically redirected to the successful payment page where they can download their tickets.
Commission can not be added to free tickets, and we do not charge anything for them.

Handling fee

The handling fee is the fee paid by the customer after every ticket, on top of the ticket price. The handling fee goes to the organizer in the total amount.
If the commission is higher than the Cooltix fee, the organizer makes a profit on top of the ticket price.
If the commission is set lower than the Cooltix fee, the difference is coming off from the ticket price.
If the commission is set at the exact rate of the Cooltix fee, the organizer gets the ticket price as earnings.

VAT rate

An invoice is issued based on the VAT rate of the product. When entering your business details, you can indicate if your business is not required to pay VAT after its earnings.

If it was indicated in the organizer's invoicing settings that VAT does not need to be paid on sales (Don't have to pay VAT on sales), the invoices will always be prepared with the AAM (exempt from VAT) tax rate.

Advanced settings

We autofill these sections based on the organizers' most common needs.


Short description of the ticket that helps customers choose among the different ticket types. This description is seen on the customer interface and appears on the ticket. However, it is not included in the confirmation email.

Sales start

The time after which tickets are available to purchase.
Start immediately (default): tickets are up for sale when the event is published.
Date and time: organizer can set the time when tickets become available to purchase

Sales end

The time until which tickets are available to purchase.
Start of the event (default): ticket sales stop when the event starts
End of the event: ticket sales stop when the event is over
Date and time: organizer sets the time when ticket sales stop
Ended (Sold out): ticket sales stop the moment all tickets are sold out


The timeframe within which tickets are valid. During this period, the app will show tickets as valid. After this period, the app will show tickets as invalid.
During the event (default): tickets will be valid from the start to the end of the event.
Custom schedule: tickets will be valid in the timeframe set by the organizer


Only visible tickets appear on the customer interface.
Visible (default): the ticket is visible to customers
Hidden: the ticket is not visible (and therefore can not be purchased) to customers
Hidden when not on sale: the ticket is only visible to customers if they can buy it

Tickets per order

If set, customers can not put fewer or more tickets in a given category into their basket per order than the quantity set here. Customers are free to purchase any number of tickets to the event, but they have to place them in different orders.
We strongly suggest setting a quantity here because this way, the customer
- can not temporarily reserve all the tickets to a given event
- can not check the number of tickets on sale to a given event
If the minimum quantity per order is set to a number higher than 1, you might not be able to sell all the tickets to the event.
(For example, you have 100 tickets to an event to sell, the min quantity per order is set to 2, and 99 tickets have already been sold. The customer can not buy the last remaining ticket, for they are forced to buy at least two tickets per order)

Sales channels

You can choose where you want to sell your tickets. More than one sales channel can be chosen at the same time.

Online: Online tickets are available to anyone anytime through the Cooltix website. If you disable this option, tickets will not be available to purchase online.

Organizer: You can sell tickets via the organizer page. This page is only available to sales users after signing in.

Read the detailed description of sales users here:

Scannable voucher

When disabled, customers do not receive a ticket with a QR code upon purchase, only a confirmation email.
Disable this only if you are sure that your customers won't need their tickets to enter the event (for example if you contact them via email about the details).
Attention! Once a ticket is sold this way, it can not be replaced with a ticket with a QR code on it.

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